Save the bees
Slowly but surely, bees have been dying at a rapid increase. Their population has been reported as declining ever since the 1990's. The number of bee colonies have declined as much as 90% since 1962. Scientificamerican Bees are dying out mainly due to pesticides. Lots of food industries have been using plant seeds coated neurotoxins, designed to help the plants grow faster. The neurotoxins move through the plant as it grows, and intoxicates the bees when they pollinate it. This makes them extremely sick, and most of the time causes them to die. The bee population has also been decreasing due to habitat loss, humans being the main cause of this. As humans continue to expand their cities and communities, trees and plants will need to be cut down to allow space for construction sites. Cutting down a tree is cutting down a honeybees habitat, and due to human activities, several bees will not be able to survive. To put into perspective, a single bee does so little pollina...